Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Preserve Pictures How Do You Preserve Your Ultrasound Pictures?

How do you preserve your ultrasound pictures? - preserve pictures

I have my picture on the ultrasound yesterday. I'm only six weeks, so you do not really see anything other than the heartbeat. However, I would like to save the image.

As I make my ultrasound images without damaging them? ...


Tanya L said...

I have the paper (without heat) only between the two sides and cutting around them think. Even as good as they day they are received. "Do not use heat lamination, but take pictures of your ultrasound.


momma of 2 :) said...

I just put mine in a photo album. My mother had some when she was pregnant with me in my baby book and still looks as good as the day when he (she said). I think the stay in pretty good condition. Congratulations! Enjoy every minute of her pregnancy. Even at the end when it seems endless. Miss it! :)

darick is my angel said...

Scrapbook stores some ultrasound in all sizes of health is, IAM is not safe in their field, but in Grand Rapids, MI had craft store, Michael, and transport. Is I have something for me, and I've got my son a week ago and my ultrasound always seems sensible, so try that good luck

Aithne said...

I still have all my pictures ultrasonic custody in Manila Standard folder in my first pregnancy three years ago and still in good condition the day I have to (it seems unless you drive a few times) with his hands.

☺♥mummies little monkeys☺♥ said...

We check our own, and reprinted as I faded paper, after a while, so that they can be kept out of light.

☺♥mummies little monkeys☺♥ said...

We check our own, and reprinted as I faded paper, after a while, so that they can be kept out of light.

☺♥mummies little monkeys☺♥ said...

We check our own, and reprinted as I faded paper, after a while, so that they can be kept out of light.

Michiko said...

I scan the computer, then print them on photo paper (for example), you send them to your local photo center.

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