Does anyone know of any good online support groups for people with seizure disorders? - grand mal seizure treatment
I suffered from grand mal seizures in the last 7 years and have deteriorated over the past two years. I've tried to attempt a neurologist, the three different drugs that have terrible side effects has treated. Need to talk to people who can share their experiences with me and that I can help them cope with the restrictions I have as a result of my seizures too. Any information would be very grateful .....
I know exactly how you feel. I'm epileptic. I've been meinem 2 I am the last possible drug and was told that I am not a matter appropriate for surgery. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PLACE ON LINE, I could not find any. It's ridiculous. I understand the frustration. All they can say is that there is a place called epilepsy FOUNDATION.THEY be able to help with certain things. If you just someone who wanted to talk in a position, I would like to receive your e-mails. It is very difficult to find someone to talk to. MY NAME IS EMAIL SANDRA.MY is always AVAILABLE. Good luck, my boy.
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because I too mild seizures during the last 2-3 years and is best if you offer some support.
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